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desperate for her love? Language: English Words: 194,570 Chapters: 71/? Comments: 2413 Kudos: 3562 Bookmarks: 334 Hits: 219655 But what if that dragon was, in his heart, just a helpless beast. The average Fairy Tale tells of a beautiful Princess who is locked away in a tower, imprisoned by a terrifying, monstrous dragon. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage.alternate universe-frederick owns a cuban bakery and will is a rookie cop in baltimoreĪ collection of the drabbles and ficlets I've done on Tumblr in response to various prompts Language: English Words: 24,661 Chapters: 24/? Comments: 35 Kudos: 176 Bookmarks: 20 Hits: 8660Īmelita Fandoms: Finder no Hyouteki | Finder Series.

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Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.

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